One Shot Anti-Xeno - Anaconda


Ship: Anaconda

Purpose: Anti-Xeno Combat (insta kill)

EDSY Link: here

Designed by: Down To Earth Astronomy

Description: A Simple Anaconda build designed with one thing in mind. Killing Thargoid cyclops intercetors in seconds.


Anti-Xeno Plasma Krait - Krait MKII


Ship: Krait MKII

Purpose: Anti-Xeno Combat

Coriolis Link: here

Designed by: Down To Earth Astronomy

Description: A Krait MKII Build for AX combat around stations to help with the thargoid war. This build is good for players starting out with AX combat and it can easily handle smaller interceptors like cyclops and basilisk


Thargoid Scout killer - Krait MKII


Ship: Krait MKII

Purpose: Thargoid scout Combat

Coriolis Link: here

Designed by: Down to Earth Astronomy

Description: A Krait MKII designed to kill Thargoid scouts. The build is not made for engaging interceptors, but will rip through scouts in no time. Killing scouts is a great way to increase your combat rank quickly, and that is what most people use this build for.

Thargoid Maelstrom Farming - Alliance Chieftain


Ship: Alliance Chieftain

Purpose: Thargoid Maelstrom Farming

Coriolis Link: here

Designed by: Down to Earth Astronomy

Description: A chieftain design to go into the area surrounding a Thargoid Maelstrom to collect caustic shards, caustic crystals and corrosive mechanisms